Get Creative, Eat Oranges!
Are you STUCK? No clarity and frustrated with whatever you’re creating? Whether it’s art, a new job, or even writing that article for your blog, try bringing more orange into your life.
Writing has never been my favorite, I always seem to get stuck with my words and what to say. So this morning, I had multiple slices of an orange and asked to be in the “flow”. My intent while eating the orange was to bring clarity and creativity to my work today. So that it goes easily and effortlessly, and so far, so good. It usually takes me an hour to write an article, and this is happening super fast and easy!
Orange is the color of creativity. It radiates warmth and happiness! It is made up of the red (love) and yellow (joy) energy. The color orange offers optimism and rejuvenation. It brings spontaneity and a positive outlook.
Orange relates to gut instincts and is the color of your sacral chakra. Your 2nd chakra is your passion and pleasure center. It’s located in the pelvic area, just below the belly button. This is the location of a woman’s womb where life is originated and created. This is also our ‘emotional’ center and where many of us store our unhappiness. If someone hurts you emotionally, you’ll feel like you got hit in that gut kind of a feeling. Next time you feel this envision yourself wrapped up in a nice warm, cozy orange blanket.
The color orange brings spontaneity and a positive outlook. So why not, every day try and incorporate some orange. You can eat or drink oranges, or just sprinkle some orange art or pillows around your house to bring a feeling of comfort and warmth into your home. The orange will bring a positive attitude so you can enter ‘The Flow’ zone in your creativity and will bring more pleasure, passion and ease into your life!