8. The Crown Chakra and the Thalamus Gland

8. The Crown Chakra and the Thalamus Gland

This is the seventh article of our “Chakras and the Body-Mind-Soul Connection”. If you’ve enjoyed this article series and want to know more, I hope you’ll stay tuned. There is more incredible, authentic, and eye-opening information headed your way.

Summary of Our Last Lesson

In the last article, “The Brow Chakra and the Pituitary, Pineal, and Hypothalamus Gland”, I talked about how these glands function, just as the brow chakra does, to take all that information that’s being collected and decide the best way to keep you safe, stable, and healthy. In this article, we’ll talk about the crown chakra and the thalamus gland and their role in helping you become your best self.

The Thalamus Gland


As in the rest of the articles, we’re going to be looking less at what the thalamus gland is and more at what it does in order to help us interpret the function of the crown chakra and glean an increased understanding of how it operates to help us achieve higher functioning.

The thalamus collects and sorts all of the internal input from the body and all of the external input from the environment and decides what to do with that information. Its job is to make connections between those things. If the hypothalamus, for instance, relays information about a possible danger that the eyes have spotted, the thalamus will compare notes with everything you’ve experienced in the past and figure out the best route to handle the danger as quickly and painlessly as possible. All within a matter of seconds!

The sheer volume of information it receives means that the thalamus must filter through the information quickly, determining which bits of information to collect and which to discard. If it thinks this is useful information, it passes it off to the hippocampus where the memory center of the brain resides and sets the hippocampus off to work on figuring out how the new information should be filed in relation to all the other things you know about that topic.

If the information it receives tells it there is an immediate threat to the body or if there is an actionable opportunity to advance its health and welfare, it will send the information over to the amygdala for processing. The amygdala then converts that information to the appropriate emotions to ensure that you respond as quickly as possible.

The Crown Chakra and the Divine Energy

The Crown Chakra’s job is to compare the information it is receiving from the divine energy that surrounds you and the information it is gathering from the natural world around you and interpret what that means for you in terms of what steps to take next and when to take them.

The Healthy Crown Chakra

If your Crown Chakra is functioning correctly, you will intuitively know where you should be going and when you should arrive there. People will remark that good things just seem to fall into your lap. You will see everything that happens to you as a kind of open dialogue between you and the divine force that guides the universe.

You will feel confident that even the apparently negative things that happen to you are actually things working to benefit you. You will be calm even in a crisis. Your mind will be relaxed and able to think, solve problems, and capitalize on opportunities.

The Blocked Crown Chakra

You are constantly living on the edge. Everything feels random to you. You see no connections between your behavior and what happens to you. The world, as a result, seems a scary and very hostile place to be. You don’t control your thoughts, feelings, or behaviors – they control you.

Symptoms of a Too Open Crown Chakra

You feel completely disconnected from the world, as if you are living on a totally different plane from everyone else out there. You see connections between everything, but you aren’t good at communicating those connections to other people. The world, as a result, feels lonely and unwelcoming. You are in control of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions – but you haven’t figured out how to take the actions to manifest your desires on this plane of existence.

Summary of Findings

The chakras are the reception centers of the divine energy that is all around us. Keeping them clear and open is important so that you can benefit from that energy.

Get More Help Changing Your Energy!

If you found this series helpful and want more help changing your energy so that you can change your life, sign up to receive a free copy of “Change Your Energy, Change Your Life” and we’ll explore the relationship between energy, frequency, vibration, and color.

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7. The Brow Chakra or Third-Eye and the Pituitary, Pineal, and Hypothalamus Glands

7. The Brow Chakra or Third-Eye and the Pituitary, Pineal, and Hypothalamus Glands

In this sixth article in our series on “Chakras and the Body-Mind-Soul Connection”, we’ll examine the brow chakra, also known as the third-eye, and what the pituitary, pineal, and hypothalamus glands provide in terms of insights into understanding and unlocking it for our benefit. We’ll also look at how blockages to these glands or to that particular chakra impact our life and what the symptoms are so we can take action to solve the problems caused by that.

The Pituitary Gland

creative energy drawings

The pituitary gland lies in between the two halves of the brain at the base of the third vertebrae. In scientific terms, it is known as the master gland because it regulates and controls the rate at which the other glands release their hormones and the timing of the release. Until the pineal gland tells the body to act, it doesn’t act.

The pituitary gland is divided into three lobes. The anterior lobe is in charge of regulating the activity of the thyroid gland, the adrenal glands, and the gonads. It tells the body when to grow, how much to grow, and when to stop growing. It also regulates the production of breast milk by pregnant and nursing mothers so that they can nourish the growth of their young.

The intermediate lobe dictates the pigmentation of skin, releasing more Beta-melanocyte–stimulating hormone when there’s been increased exposure to direct sunlight and more protection is needed and decreasing the levels when there’s less sunlight so that more of sunlight can be taken in and absorbed.

The posterior lobe is in charge of releasing antidiuretic hormones which prevent dehydration and regulating the amount of oxytocin in the bloodstream. Extra oxytocin is released when childbirth is ready to take place, aiding in the contractions of the uterus that push the child out of the womb and signaling that it is time for prolactin, the hormone that leads to breast milk production, to be released so that the child entering the world will have what it needs to thrive and flourish.

The anterior (front) lobe and the posterior (back) lobes are attached to the hypothalamus through a cable made of blood vessels and axon (neural connectors) that allow for direct communication.

The Pineal Gland

The last gland to be discovered by modern science and the least understood, the pineal gland is in charge of your body’s natural sleep/wake cycle. It also regulates the sex drive, hunger, thirst, and the aging of the body. It regulates these things in response to light received from the eyes. For example, in a healthy body, when the eyes begin to detect an increase in light from the dawn breaking, it cuts off the production of melatonin and sends a signal to the pituitary gland that it is time to increase the levels of serotonin so that you wake naturally.

It is the job of the pineal gland to take the information collected from the eyes and pass it on so that the other systems can interpret and make sense of what to do about it.

The Hypothalamus

The hypothalamus is the thermostat for the body. It determines, based on the feedback it receives from the rest of the systems, what is normal and healthy. It then takes the information coming in from all of the other systems and works hard to be sure that the right hormones are released to keep things from getting too far off of normal to be healthy. When your systems stray, its job is to bring those back under control. It keeps you safe mentally and physically by regulating the emotions you feel in response to your environment.

If you’re happy, it’s because the hypothalamus sees this situation as “normal and healthy” for you. If you’re mad, the hypothalamus has detected something being done to you by someone else or by a situation you are in that puts your mental or physical health at risk. If you’re anxious, it’s because there’s been a threat detected to the thermostat itself. Something has challenged your sense of personal identity, the “normal” for you. Being aware of your emotions can help you spot the “normal” setting for your health and – if being fat is normal for you – do whatever it takes to reset that point so that you can achieve the weight loss you desire. That’s why true transformation begins in the mind.

The Brow Chakra

Looking at the overall elements of the activities of the pineal and pituitary glands combined with the hypothalamus gland, we get a much better feel for what the brow chakra is and does. It takes the information it receives from the divine and combines it with the information received from our bodies and acts to keep us normalized, stable, and healthy. It is the center that acts to make connections between the divine, the world around us, and what is happening to us on the inside.

Symptoms of a Blocked Brow Chakra

Your life is one big dramatic episode. You are either up or down. You’re never stable. Chaos reigns supreme in your life, and you feel stressed out, anxious, and worried constantly.  You wouldn’t know normal if it walked up to you and introduced itself to you. You truthfully doubt that normal even exists.

Symptoms of a Too Open Brow Chakra

You are so safe, secure, and stable that your life is boring. You’re healthy, you’re safe, but you aren’t really living. You’re comfortable, but you aren’t being challenged and as a result, you aren’t growing. You aren’t flourishing. You aren’t thriving. You’re stagnating.

Next: The Crown Chakra and the Thalamus

In the next lesson, we’ll talk about the connection between the Thalamus and the Crown Chakra, and its role in helping you put all the pieces of your life together so you can maximize your achievement and become your best self.

TAKE THE SOUL PURPOSE QUIZ to find out your vibe. Click Here >


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